Our services and products for a successful digital journey and to build your future on. Contact us

our services

We cover all areas for a successful digital transformation


In any successful digital transformation, there are 4 key areas to consider.

Technology Expertise

Use the latest and future proof digital solutions and realise your objectives in terms of increasing your effectiveness, lowering your costs, become compliant and improve reliance. 

select the right software
We continuously search for global available software solutions with proven value for business and control functions. We bring these solutions to the attention of our clients. We also support our clients in specific searches for new digital solutions. Our services include:

  • envisioning the future way of working,
  • identify your current needs,
  • imagine the (im)possible with digital,
  • support in understand the value proposition,
  • design the concept and build awareness.

Our services also include the financial and legal aspects of the software selection.

Business case Technology

We help to define the business case for new digital solutions, both the qualitative and quantitative (financial) aspects. We use the knowledge of our implementation partners, technology vendors and professional service providers in combination with our client experiences. We actively engage with clients where successful implementation have resulted in satisfied reference sites. For this reason we have built a strong community (clients 4 clients). The business case includes the change aspects, such as the right change governance, project approach and planning and the investment in time of your people.

Software Implementation

We are unique in offering result driven and fixed priced implementations supporting all project management aspects. We can promise this because we only work with experienced implementation partners, and because we can provide most services ourselves through a large network of deep skilled specialists. Furthermore, our software implementation services include:

  • Culture and people change.
  • Project management.
  • Training and education.
  • Risk mitigation and quality assurance.
  • Best practice content delivery.
  • Building change & innovation capability to continuously improve.
After sales support

All our implementations include after  delivery support (customer satisfaction window). We promise to stick with you along the length of your digital transformation journey. Some software vendors have contracted us to perform all after sales and support services for them in specified regions. Those regions include among others and are not limited to the Benelux, Nordics, Baltic States, Poland and the Dutch Antilles and Suriname. Our after sales support includes our continuous availability for questions, periodic meetings to discuss the quality of the usage of the solutions, health checks, and brainstorm sessions to realise further improvements. All our clients can become part of our managed client communities around technology solutions (clients 4 clients) to have contact with other clients to help each other with the optimal usage of the solutions.

optimization of usage

We optimise the usage of your digital solution in terms of end-to-end process improvement, the reduction of business silo’s, integration of software solutions (API’s) and better utilisation of the available software functionalities. We provide these services on a project bases, one-time assessments, health checks, or via a more structural continuous improvement.

If your objective is to reduce the cost of technology, we can help you all the way from analysing the potential, implement smart solutions of integrate solutions to reduce labour intensive work.

Leverage your innovation via collaboration

If you are thinking of developing new technology, we can help you upfront to find a peer group to co-create the solutions with. Our services encompass, general collaboration, the business case definition, use cases, peer group definition and contracting, technology and partner selection. We can also help you to setup a co-creation working environment.

If you already developed new technology, we can support you in finding broader use cases and / or leverage your solutions. We do that by ourselves or via our partners to possible peers and clients; anywhere around the world. We help you to maximise the return on your digital investments and / or organise a continuous revenue stream; on request or together with you via our clients 4 clients network. Our services encompasses the whole value chain from marketing, executive search, sales, contracting, joint ventures, and so on.


We help you to vision the future state of your business. Together with our partners and network of independent specialists, we support your entire journey to capture the benefits of new technology. We manage your projects, including risk and quality assurance.


We provide the following consulting services (further specified per proposition):

  • Business consulting
  • Finance consulting
  • GRC consulting
  • Internal Audit
  • Risk & Compliance consulting
  • Security & Data consulting
  • New Digital Technologies
  • IT consulting
  • Change Management consulting
project control & assurance

We provide quality related services during your digital transformation. This means doing it right the first time and making sure that all necessary checks and balances are in the project and solutions. This as part of your projects for your program manager (project control). Besides that, we can provide independent assurance over your project (if needed together with your external accountant) for your steering committee. We use our best class continuous and agile Project Quality Assurance approach to meet today’s requirements. Many of our people are qualified Registered EDP-auditor with over 10 years of experience in this line of work.


Most of our peopls have an audit profession background, which gives us insight in many different environments, programs, technologies and educated us in a control and risk perspective. We now work closely together with partners and provide many different types of audits, from operational (process), financial, IT, security, project, technological, to sustainability.

Assurance & certification

Together with partners we provide independent assurance engagements and certification services. This includes ISO-certification, SOC1 or SOC2 (former ISAE3402), and IIA certification.

Interim & specialist staffing

We work with our small core teams with independent professionals and partner organisations to help our clients end-to-end. Besides projects, we provide specialist interim and staffing services, directly via BR1GHT or via third party intermediates. Our independent specialists are connected to us via our people communities. More information about our communities you find here.

Content provider

To speed-up your implementation, we provide best practice frameworks. This guarantees world class performance and compliance. We provide knowledge via digital channels and events. Clients and people are part of our communities to engage with each other.

Best practices

We have almost every best practice and framework, whether they are global generally accepted, industry specific or local country or sector coordinated. We can tailor then to practical guidance and implement them for you in your processes and or technical solutions. We help to design them for you and realise the  operational effectiveness of your compliance with you best practices. We provide assessment services to determine your white spots and help you via our maturity models towards your desired level of compliance.You don’t have any reason to settle for less than world class.

Knowledge management

We provide knowledge via multiple channels and services to make your knowledge management effective. Our services include, collaboration platforms, defining and building cabinets of knowledge (center of excellence), and programs to help your people become more aware of having the right knowledge at the right time.

event organisation

It is our business to bring people together and provide content. This includes the organisation of large conferences and events from preparation to the management of the day(s) itself and after the events follow-up. We help you get the right topics on the agenda, inspiring speakers on board and attract a wide range of people and organisations to participate. We have a huge network in all our countries, via our communities and partners. We believe in collaboration and help our clients to use collaboration software (Open Social) to build a strong audience and communities.

interact with peers

Via our communities, we organise client collaboration that benefit all parties. We bring the best minds together to execute better solutions faster. We build private communities for clients to work with software vendors and service firms for joint proposition co-development, strategic alliances and partnering to accelerated product development. We help you find investors to leverage your technology to other peers and realise a strong return on your investments. We offer:

  peers interaction via our communities.

  private collaboration with all relevant parties.


We help you to become and stay up-to-date with law and regulation and any framework applicable for your business. We offer you subscriptions constantly updated. If you have technology via BR1GHT, we can update those changes directly into your systems. We make sure that you will always be compliant.

People & change

Successful digital transformation needs to focus on all elements of people awareness, interaction and change. Together with our partners we can support you and your people in all aspects of digital capabilities.


Digital transformation requires a constant assessment of the effectiveness of your governance structure. Being effective in digital is all about having the right responsibilities and procedures in place, built in oversight, aligned incentives and an effective management style to stimulate and direct change, innovation and your organisations culture. Together with our partner Knack we can help you define and enforce your governance focusing on the development of digital roles (such as digital Czars and digital liaisons), new skills, cross business digital cooperation, new digital risks, steering and innovation committees and digital enablement forcing decision lower into organisations to become digital agile.

Digital culture & Innovation

A digital culture is a precondition for long term success. You first need to attract new young people, get them to become part of your culture and change old and rusted more traditional cultures. Digital culture determines the satisfaction of your staff in the future and is all about thinking customer centric, technology & data-driven, risk taking and innovative, collaboration, agile, transparent, lifelong learning, being adaptive & curious, non-hierarchical, and a focused approach to the well-being of your people.

Within you digital culture, we can help you to establish effective innovation capabilities.

education & training

One of our promises is to constantly educate people. Our client’s people and our people are connected via communities. We educate and train our communities as a whole or provide individual training programs upon request. Our programs are focused on technical skills, personal effectiveness and individual well-being and are offered together with our partner Knack. In summary we provide training and education:

  during change programs and implementations as on-the-job, train-the-trainer or people/user training. 

  on request, special tailored training. In cooperation with partners, we can provide PE accreditation. For registered professionals (RE, RO, RC, RA), we can build a special program to stay compliant.

  online, via our community platforms, on request or as a service to our communities.

  web-based training and self-teaching programs supported with guidance via our collaboration platform.

For the content we work together with partners and institutes (like universities).

awareness & competence

Building digital capabilities is key to every organisation’s future success. Understanding the value by creating awareness is the first step. Our services include:

  facilitating the board room, supervisory board and management with new digital solutions and opportunities focused on your industry.

  gamification of the advantages and usage of new technology for your board room and in your operations.

  digital competence program’s, helping you to understand the digital limitations within your organisation for change at a people level. We address them as a group  and individually and make your staff digital aware and change minded. We turn them into change advocates and build digital champions. 

  continuous program; focusing on new relevant technology for your people and structurally build (plan, do, check, act) digital competences.

digital transformation

We fully support your digital transformation at multiple levels:

  Business and Finance level, we support you from governance, partnering and execution and help you become digital aware and capable in order for you to take ownership for the transformation.

  IT-level, we support you to drive digital change, partnerships, build digital capabilities, change your business & IT alignment and realise synergies over business initiatives.

 Control-functions. We support you to realise your digital change (using digital, such as analytics, GRC-tooling) in your control function. We help you to stay relevant and add more value, and help you stay on top of the digital transformation in your organisation. This includes understanding the new digital solutions in your organisation and realising control over them. 

Our services are combinations of people & change digital capabilities, program management and project control and technology expertise, content and consulting.

our products

World class products to build your future on

Audit Management System

Our flagship solution from WoltersKluwer for Internal Audit Management, Controls Management, Internal Audit Data Analytics and Audit Management for Public Sector. We have build many of our solutions on TeamMate using over 7 years of implementation and consulting experiences. 

Environmental, Health & Safety

Enablon is also a WoltersKluwer solution and specialises in Health & Safety, Operational Risk Management, Environment & Sustainability, GRC and Product Stewardship (quality, compliance and safety of products and supply chain).

Analytical Search Platform

ValueCare is an analytical search platform, with a intuitive user interface, monitoring data and processes in over 70% of the Dutch hospitals, health sector and other sectors in The Netherlands. ValueCare also provides monitoring software for the financial year close processes.


We provide authorisations, compliance and control solutions for SAP applications. We do this together with our SAP partner IFS Probity. The services include SAP GRC (access and process control), BRIM (Billing & Revenue Innovation Management), HANA and Industry Solution SAP (ISU).

Continuous Monitoring

Greenlight provides specialist solutions for a range of applications among others SAP in the area of access management, financial impact management of risks, security risk analysis, cyber governance, regulation management, and enterprise integration for SAP GRC.

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our regions

We now service 12 regions


The Netherlands
Dutch Antilles

Let’s get digital in control together

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