Apr 11, 2022

ING Bank – Compliance Monitoring with TeamMate+

ING is a global bank with a strong European base. ING has more than 60,000 employees serve around 37 million customers, corporate clients and financial institutions in over 40 countries. Their purpose is to empower people to stay a step ahead in life and in business. Customer experience is one of their values and is what differentiates ING and they’re continuously innovating to improve it and also partner with others to bring disruptive ideas to market faster.

In September 2020, the Compliance Quality Assurance (CQA) department was established within ING. This department, even more than its predecessors, had the need to conduct thematic or process-oriented compliance reviews. Since the audit function uses TeamMate, and the collaboration with BR1GHT/Wolters Kluwer made us decide to opt for TeamMate to investigate as an option.

BR1GHT was asked to perform a demo and deep dive analysis how TeamMate could support the compliance monitoring activities ING was looking for. After a thorough selection process, with active involvement of CQA global leadership team and multiple sessions, where they challenged the capabilities and possibilities TeamMate+ was selected. Also due to the experiences of our audit colleagues and the fact that it had already been implemented in the ING countries. Consequently BR1GHT was asked as the implementation partner.

This client experience is about our support and added value delivered during the implementation process of TeamMate+, To enable more structure to the output and recording of the compliance monitoring reviews, for the approximately 150-200 QA employees worldwide.

Before TeamMate could be rolled out, the forms and fields had to be adapted to CQA’s terminology and approach. A project team was formed consisting of key players from the CQA department and consultants from BR1GHT/ Wolters Kluwer.

We have worked actively together with both the team formed, the project leader and CQA’s Leadership to support the project and to achieve a tailored system supporting CQA’s terminology and approach. The support delivered has contributed to the implementation process being relatively fast and smooth, whereby all interactions and consulting activities were executed remotely and digitally.

During the implementation ING was supported on the following topics:

  • In close co-operation we drafted an implementation plan to support the implementation process. The ambition was to align the methodology and to strengthen the CQA process by optimally using the TeamMate+ features as presented.
  • We held interactive discussions to understand the way of working and to really depict the CQA requirements and how TeamMate could best support this. We added value to this by constantly reflecting and challenging the blueprint ideas.
  • During the implementation workshops, we tailored TeamMate to CQA’s needs. Whereby we worked together with the CQA team in realising a setup that supported the operations, as well as the challenging reporting needs.
  • After the initial configuration a pilot phase, was conducted to validate the project team’s choices and setup. Based on this assessment, a few things were further configured in positive manner before roll-out.
  • As part of the roll out, together with the key members from the project team, roll-out trainings were held for all the global CQA teams. The teams were refreshed on methodology and how it has landed in TeamMate+ as well as how the teams could work with TeamMate to support their compliance monitoring reviews.

After training the teams, TeamMate was rolled out in a phased manner to all the teams for adoption and conducting the CQA’s thematic or process-oriented compliance reviews.

ING is also a valued TeamMate Audit customer and now with the extended use of TeamMate sets the benchmark for others. They are also part of our community in which we bring industry and TeamMate customers together to learn from each other and elaborate on forward looking topics.

We are extremely proud of the application technology services delivered that have resulted in a differentiated application of TeamMate+ in the compliance monitoring space. Through our specialist capabilities we were able to work together with the CQA specialists at ING and really translate the wishes and requirements into TeamMate+, configuring it in such a way that it became fit for purpose. Our templated and result driven implementation approach was applied and provided the guidance for the team to able to work from A – Z within the project timelines agreed upon.

The ING team have challenged us during the process, which we also have as our value and really helped both parties to rise above each other and make the implementation a success.

The support we have received has contributed to the implementation process being relatively fast and smooth.
Erik van der Looij - Manager Internal Audit

At the moment, TeamMate has been operational for over a year and we see that many colleagues are able to adequately record the reviews. With the implementation of TeamMate, the teams are also much better able to generate progress reports and get a full overview of all findings reported during the year and all reports issued worldwide.

Together with BR1GHT/ Wolters Kluwer, we are now looking further into the risk assessment module within TeamMate to see to what extent it can also be arranged according to our wishes.

Just a BIG thank you BR1GHT for your added value!
Erik van der Looij - Manager Internal Audit
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