VolkerWessels TeamMate+ implementation

VolkerWessels TeamMate+ implementation

VolkerWessels TeamMate+ implementation Written by VolkerWessels is a leading international company that operates according to the ‘think global, act local’ principle. From its family-owned origins, the company has grown into a construction group that is...
Nederlandse Spoorwegen TeamMate implementation

Nederlandse Spoorwegen TeamMate implementation

Nederlandse Spoorwegen TeamMate implementation Written by WELL DONE NS! CONGRATULATIONS. The Dutch Railways (‘Nederlandse Spoorwegen’ or called NS) are a longterm user of the application Teammate. As the NS states, TeamMate just offers the best possible support for...
Jumbo TeamMate+ implementation

Jumbo TeamMate+ implementation

Jumbo TeamMate+ implementation Jumbo is a supermarket chain in The Netherlands with affiliates in Belgium. It is part of the privately owned Van Eerd Group. Van Eerd was originally a grocery wholesale company, established in 1921 and Jumbo now has grown to the second...