May 28, 2024

IIA Norway conference 2024—The Importance of Trust

This is a recommended event for: Professionals in Internal Auditing and Risk Management
Event Summary

BR1GHT will join, together with our partner Wolters Kluwer, the annual IIA conference in Norway. During this conference, key topics relevant to our professional practice will be discussed.
In an age characterized by increasing complexity, digital and green transformation with ever-increasing regulatory requirements, trust is both an invaluable asset and a constant challenge.

Event registration

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Thank you for trusting us and we look forward to welcoming you soon.


Event details

IIA Norway conference 2024—The Importance of Trust

Trust is crucial, it is the bedrock – or the substance of God. Per Fugelli

Trust is a valuable resource in all contexts, including in personal relationships, work environments, business relationships and societal structures. It is a fundamental building block for cooperation, success and sustainable development at an individual, organizational and societal level. Through our expertise, integrity and independence, we help to strengthen trust in the business we work in.

Trust will be a consistent theme on the first day of the conference. On the second day, we split into two different tracks to share experiences and let ourselves be inspired by the good examples of others. Through these parallel sessions, we will explore best practice, share experiences and challenge each other to think in new ways.