September 19, 2023

Internal controls: What works, what doesn’t work, and how to plug the holes

This is a recommended event for: Professionals in the auditing, financial, and analytics fields seeking insights into enhancing internal controls and leveraging analytics for comprehensive audits.
Event Summary

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand what business internal controls are – and what they most definitely are not
  • Explore meaningful hard control procedures and soft control behaviors
  • Analyse the real reasons controls fail over time – even in your organisation
  • Discover why & how to build a “How do I know?” culture at key control points
  • Explore options for teaching employees at all levels about Why a control is important – before addressing the How and When of the procedure
    John Hall
    Professional Speaker, Author, Trainer and Consultant

Business best practices, regulations, and standards all require organizations to build and document sound internal controls. Certainly not a new concept. But in late 2023, many control experts are finding that decades-old models like COSO and similar frameworks that were supposed to be the all-in solution have not kept up with the speed of emerging risks and opportunities.

In this session, we’ll examine the broad concept of internal controls – what they are and especially what they aren’t. We’ll look at what works in real-world business plus address the recurring reasons controls fail. Last, we’ll build an action checklist to close the divide between control purpose and control results.

In order to be awarded the full credit hours, you must attend the entire session and answer at least 3 of the polling questions. Once the requirements are met, your CPE certificate will be available to download in the webinar. Participants will earn 1.0 CPE credits.

Event registration

If you are interested in this event, please follow the registration link. In order to make sure that you get your confirmation and all updates, please leave your contact details below.

Thank you for trusting us and we look forward to welcoming you soon.


Event details

Internal controls: What works, what doesn’t work, and how to plug the holes


John Hall
Professional Speaker, Author, Trainer and Consultant
John J. Hall, CPA, has worked as an auditor, professional speaker, consultant, and author for over 45 years. But he still LOVES the work. John builds and delivers live and virtual keynote presentations, skills training seminars, webinars and in-person conference presentations for auditors, management groups, CPAs, Boards, and professional associations – over 3,000 live presentations to date. John is best known for bringing practical, proven, efficient solutions to real-world business challenges (including especially fraud risks!!!) faced by clients and program participants.