UWV TeamMate+ Implementation
Written by Jack Teuthof
The UWV (Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen) is a Dutch government agency responsible for administering employee insurance schemes, including WW (unemployment benefits), WAO (disability benefits), WIA (work and income according to labor capacity), the Sickness Benefits Act, Wajong (young disabled persons act), the Supplementary Benefits Act, and WAZ (self-employed persons act). As a critical institution in the Dutch social security system, UWV plays a vital role in supporting employees and ensuring their financial stability during times of need.
UWV published a public tender for a new audit management system for their audit department. The organization required a more integrated, and efficient audit management system to unify their three audit disciplines: Internal, IT, and Financial and to take the next step into their evolving needs and maturity ambitions. We (BR1GHT), as a partner of Wolters Kluwer TeamMate submitted our response highlighting how we envision their needs through smart utilization and support of TeamMate+, as their audit management system. Which made it clear that TeamMate+ is the way forward for UWV.
This client experience is about our support and added value delivered during the selection and implementation process to get TeamMate+ live.

The UWV objective was clear: implement a unified audit management system that could enhance collaboration, standardize templates, reduce redundant tasks, and integrate the all three disciplines in TeamMate+. This excited us and the UWV project team a lot. Another case of applying the TeamMate features and our BR1GHT concept to enable an efficient and effective structure and support with TeamMate’s functionalities. But the scope and scale of UWV’s operations gave it a unique challenge. Implementing a system that could seamlessly integrate the three different disciplines within a single environment was a challenge we were eager to support UWV with, and to deliver a tailored solution aligned with UWV’s expectations. Key success factors during the implementation were:
Multiple audit disciplines working in an aligned way in TeamMate+:
BR1GHT facilitated the alignment of multiple audit disciplines by leveraging TeamMate+ to create an integrated audit environment. The primary challenge was to align the three audit disciplines; IT, internal, and financial audits to a TeamMate+ enabled way of working. By harmonizing the workflows and methodologies of various audit teams within TeamMate+, we ensured that all disciplines could work together seamlessly. Through interactions and agile iterations we demonstrated potential workflows, resulting in the successful integration of the disciplines within the TeamMate+ environment. This alignment not only enhanced collaboration but also improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the audit process.
Standardization and consistency via TeamMate templates:
Managing multiple templates across different audit disciplines presented an interesting challenge. We engaged in collaborative sessions to incorporate insights, methodology needs and to refine and standardize UWV’s templates. These templates provided a uniform audit structure, ensuring that all team members followed the same guidelines.
This standardization, lead to more uniform and comparable audit outcomes. Moreover, it simplified the adoption process for new auditors and facilitated easier navigation and quality review of audit files. This inclusive approach ensured that the templates were comprehensive and the taxonomy could be consistently applied across all audit types.
Revisited Audit work programs streamlining audit file structure(s):
By revisiting and refining audit work programs, the project team and BR1GHT streamlined the structure of audit files, making them more easier to manage within TeamMate. For each discipline we first developed core objects for their templates. This restructuring process involved optimizing the layout and content of audit work programs to enhance clarity and usability. Once these core elements were established, we further rationalized and consolidated data fields. As a result, auditors could quickly locate relevant information and complete their tasks more efficiently. The improved audit file structures also supports better documentation and tracking of audit activities. This effectively minimized redundancy in audit steps and, streamlined the audit process.
Reimagined and configured TeamMate enabled supervision and quality review:
We applied the enhanced roles feature of TeamMate+ to meet UWV’s role requirements. We aligned this with the UWV adherence to principles such as peer reviews and multi-level role management, we configured the system to meet these specific needs, including security, accountability, and workflow management. We ensured that audit supervision and quality review mechanisms were built in, ensuring managers could easily oversee audit activities and maintain high standards of quality.
We are proud of the way we have worked together throughout the project. It was interesting, challenging and a great learning experience for all, by having the three disciplines together. It provided different insights and a better understanding across the different backgrounds in the project. We liked the way UWV re-looked at their ways of working and how to get this into TeamMate in a as simple as possible manner, but still raising the bar to ensure quality.
Feeling the enthusiasm of the entire project team and how the TeamMate system is embraced and promoted into the organisation encouraged us to go for the extra mile together with you. We enjoyed the working together and the open ambitious interactions. Resulting in the transformation from old processes to a TeamMate+ unified, streamlined audit process, which is incredibly rewarding and demonstrated the true potential of the modern TeamMate+ system.